`324 Meron Psy-op 2024
Chananya Weissman

May 27, 2024


Meron was declared a closed military zone in the now-annual tradition of finding a pretext to bar Jews from going there on Lag Ba'omer and incite hatred against “haredim”, all in the name of “public safety”. This year the pretext was Hezbollah might fire rockets and kill everyone, and it is likely this pretext will be recycled every year from now on until Hashem redeems us from the Erev Rav who rule over the land.

Arab-looking police and IDF soldiers were out in force battering religious Jews, which is also an annual tradition at Meron. For some reason, none of these Gestapo thugs seemed at all worried that a rocket might land on them at any time. Their bravery was on full display as they beat helpless Jews without regard for the danger they faced from incoming missiles. They must have nerves of steel.

The controlled media did its job, and portrayed the battered Jews as the aggressors who got what they deserved.

After our heroes in unforms cleared the site of disease-spreading, haredi parasites, who endanger themselves and everyone else with their selfish, reckless behavior, state-employed, state-serving Zionist rabbis and IDF soldiers celebrated with an early morning religious ceremony (see here). Chief among them was Shmuel Eliyahu, with a history of literally inventing Torah sources to push Covid shots and running kangaroo courts in violation of halacha (see here and here).

The controlled media did its job, and portrayed these visitors to the site as heroes spreading light to the world.

For them it was perfectly safe to be at Meron, with no fear of Hezbollah obliterating them with rockets...just like during Covid it was safe for the privileged elite to flout the rules

The privileged elite know that people's memories are too short and their minds too muddled to make appropriate connections and draw appropriate conclusions. The peasants are brainwashed, cowardly, and have rough lives. They are slaves and they don't even know it. They will take the bait to direct their frustrations against each other instead of those who oppress them all.

Although the police/surveillance state does not let us see what happened from cameras at the site, there are unpleasant videos of Jews being battered by Gestapo thugs on Meron. We see an elderly man being showed face-first to the pavement. We see another elderly man in a wheelchair being attacked.

Many of the peasants blame the victims and lick the boots of the oppressors. They foolishly believe this will earn them brownie points when their time comes.

But the homemade videos that escaped confiscation are too disturbing to be dismissed (see here). So the controlled media expresses concern, and controlled opposition ministers feign outrage, and they promise that the perpetrators will be brought to justice immediately. All in a day's work.

The police responded to the allegations of brutality with a statement: “Since the morning hours, hundreds of people arrived at the area of the gravesite, clashing with the police and causing damage to property placed at the site for the purpose of ensuring their safety.”

They would have responded with an image of the middle finger, but this is more professional.

Tomorrow there will be something else to distract the peasants, and that will be the end of it.



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