`329 The Cannibal Directive and Mockingbird Media Coverup
Chananya Weissman

July 12, 2024


Get a load of this:

IDF Gen. Hiram cleared of charge of blowing up hostages along with Hamas on Oct. 7

"The IDF concluded that the hostage situation occurring was unprecedented and that, under the unique circumstances, none of the officials involved, including Hiram, had made errors."

That's right, once again they investigated themselves and cleared themselves of wrongdoing. No need even for a fall guy.

If they cared so much about the hostages, why did they let them be taken in the first place? (Don't fool yourself anymore. They did. Deal with it.)

Don't expect any serious journalism from Yonah Jeremy Bob, the man with three first names, who communicated this propaganda. His bio on the Jerusalem Compost states as follows:

"Yonah Jeremy Bob is The Jerusalem Post's senior military correspondent and intelligence analyst and was previously Literary Editor for 4.5 years. He covers the Israeli military, the Mossad, the Shin Bet, defense technologies, Iran's weapons of mass destruction, cyberwarfare, and war crimes allegations. Yonah is also well-connected to all of the top Israeli ministries from his former posts in the IDF, the Foreign Ministry, and the Justice Ministry.

Yeah, he ain't working for you and me, and neither are any of the Mockingbird media hacks you still count on to “stay informed”.

Their propaganda is laughably stupid. The mere fact that they expect people to believe the following is insulting, yet sadly justified. People will believe ANYTHING other than the painful truth.

The article states that "the probe found that four tank shells were fired, all with the intent of being near misses that would put pressure on the Hamas terrorists to intimidate them into surrendering".

Right, because well-trained soldiers firing from modern tanks at close range would have such horrible aim that they would strike a home multiple times when they intended to miss.

But it gets even more ridiculous. The article goes on to state: "At 6:32 p.m., Hamas forces called the Israeli security forces, saying that they were going to commit suicide and kill all of their hostages."

(I'm curious, what number did they call and how did they have it?)

So this is the IDF's official story after a really trustworthy "probe", as reported by someone who is buddy-buddy with them in a newspaper that people still use for something other than kindling.

Hamas: "We'll kill ourselves and the hostages!"
IDF: "You better not try, or we'll kill you and the hostages!"

Keep supporting your enemies from within, follow all their orders, believe everything they say, and support the slavery system, expecting different results.

Or finally stop.

* * *

Several people have reacted to the recent revelations about October 7 (and reposted revelations that were known in the immediate aftermath) with the following sentiment:
"This is horrific. How can we tell people to leave the USA and Europe and come here if this is what happened here? How can this be overcome? Yes Hashem is above it all. But practically at this point, it's hopeless.”

My response:

We can tell them that the writing is on the wall for them, and Eretz Yisrael is the only place in the world that we know with absolute certainty will have a happy outcome in the end. We can also tell them that if their first priority in choosing where to live was playing actuary and determining where it's statistically safest, they wouldn't live in the parts of galus that they chose. So it's all just an excuse anyway.

Hopeless? Give me a break. First of all, this was foretold thousands of years ago. Second of all, hopeless is being in a death camp, and even that wasn't hopeless, so people need to suck it up. Third of all, it's only hopeless in the sense that we will not vote our way out of this or fight our way out of this with krav maga classes and guns.

There needs to be a massive teshuva movement. We know the formula. We know what's guaranteed to work. And yet that doesn't seem to be the collective priority. It's not what dominates the discussions in PRACTICAL terms.

We know the story ends well. How difficult the road is depends on us.




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