`326 The "Haredi" Draft Controversy — Another Psyop
Chananya Weissman

July 2, 2024


The Amalek / Erev Rav monsters who rule our land would love to send thousands of “Haredim” on suicide missions to be maimed and killed, or “accidentally” killed in “friendly fire” incidents. They are decimating the Dati Leumi communities and yeshivos, and they would love to pile up the casualties from Mir and Ponevezh, too.

But that's not what the latest round of the staged draft controversy is all about.

The existence of “religious exemptions” has always been a convenient way to stoke hatred between “Haredim” and those who are enslaved, however willingly or grudgingly, in the IDF (Israel Destruction Forces), taking perilous orders from people who have no business giving them.

There shouldn't be a draft AT ALL. For anyone. No one should be conscripted into an army against their will and forced to risk it all — especially not into an un-Jewish army, fighting pretextual "wars", with their bodies and minds under the complete control of anyone, least of all heretics, fools, sellouts, and traitors.

The last thing the IDF wants is thousands of unwilling religious conscripts who are willing to die for God but not for them, who care more about Torah law than following orders from treasonous, atheist, skinhead officers, creating havoc in the controlled army environment.

What this is really about is once again turning people's attention away from the October 7 narrative that is falling apart, from the endless staged “war” with no clear purpose or direction, from the thousands upon thousands of maimed and killed soldiers, and their families, and all the people who were forced to leave their homes, who gave up everything for nothing.

They need to turn people's attention away from the planned and controlled destruction of farms in the north, and the destruction of people's ability to make a living, and the people who are being driven to take their own lives, all in the name of some fictitious staged war that is really against them.

So what this is really all about is once again distracting the people and turning them against each other, lest they unite against their common enemy. The Amalek / Erev Rav state and its controlled media incite against Haredim...foolish/controlled Haredi leaders call out the masses to block roads...and police beat some of the protestors...and some of them fight back...and more non-Haredim get maimed and killed on suicide missions...and everyone takes the bait and points fingers at their fellow oppressed slaves from different artificial camps instead of UNITING and turning against their common enemy.

The possibility of the oppressed slaves uniting terrifies the slavemasters like nothing else. The day the slaves from different artificial camps stop taking the bait, stop playing color war, and unite in spite of their differences, is the day everything changes. Our oppressors, the monsters and moles who rule our land, will do anything to prevent that from happening.

Stop taking the bait. Call out this psy-op for what it is. Talk to people. Wake them up. Build friendship and brotherhood between the artificial camps. We'll sort out our ideological differences after the war — the real war — is over.

With unity — as Jews, not statists — we will win.



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