`325 The Controlled Media Drops a Belated "Bombshell" About October 7
Chananya Weissman

June 28, 2024


All of a sudden, in lockstep, the controlled media, which exists to manipulate you, distract you, and lull you into complacency, is filled with reports that the IDF knew about the attack in advance of October 7.

Check out this Google search. Notice how there was a controlled dump just yesterday, with a previous controlled dump on May 23. Amazing how all these crack investigative journalists seem to operate, almost as if the same source is feeding them the same "scoop" at the same time and instructing them what the game plan is.

And this: Bombshell Drops: Israel Was In On It! w/ Ben Swann

Meanwhile, here's what I posted on October 7 minutes after Simchas Torah ended and I first heard about the attack:

So hundreds of terrorists were able to cross the border by surprise and capture entire communities, with little to no military response for many hours, in a country blanketed by cameras, with supposedly some of the best intelligence in the world, and we're supposed to believe this was a surprise attack. Never forget that the country is run by Erev Rav who work for Amalek. May Hashem save us from the enemies within as much as the enemies outside our land.

Expect war lockdowns and heightened censorship for your safety. Do not trust the people who are supposed to be "protecting" you. They are your worst enemies.

Someone who responded to my email put it best: "My first thought when I saw the news early this morning was that a government established by Nazi collaborators, that slaughters its babies, and kills and maims its citizens with medical tyranny would absolutely allow an enemy attack with all its suffering, wounded and dead."

This wasn't an intelligence failure. On the contrary; the operation was executed as planned.

It had to be an inside job, coordinated on both sides of the border. It was obvious the minute it happened (or at least it should have been). And I wasn't the only one. But the crack investigative journalists pretend they're giving you news 8 months later, and even "awake" people are getting excited about it, as if this is vindication and validation. What a joke.

Are we allowed to ask questions yet?

They did the same thing with Covid many months and years after the fact to maintain a veneer of credibility and control the narrative.

So many fools still believe this was all just an elaborate plot to bring down Bibi or to provide an excuse for our totally not-sold-out leaders to destroy Hamas. There's just nothing you can do with people who WANT to be brainwashed.

It's not about left or right.

Bibi wasn't in the dark.

They are all phonies.

The elaborate plot is against all of us. Whatever tiny crumbs they are forced to acknowledge many months after the fact are just the tip of the iceberg to cover up for everything else, and lull you into complacency that the system will fix itself from the inside.

You're still being played. You're always being played.

The enslavement and destruction agenda is continuing at full force.



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