`226 What's going on with Hatzalah?
Chananya Weissman

August 30, 2022

This video comes from Levi Kay: Hatzolah of Melbourne gets fact checked

Other interesting facts that are surely just coincidental. After all, correlation doesn't equal causation...

1. Eli Beer, Founder of United Hatzalah of Israel and President of Friends of United Hatzalah, is part of the World Economic Forum: https://www.weforum.org/people/eli-beer.

If you still have no idea what the World Economic Forum is and what they are all about, you better catch up quickly. They are Amalek. Then start asking why the hell Eli Beer is part of them (not to mention so many of Israel's elites), and why no one seems concerned about this.

2. At the height of government/media terrorization about Covid, Eli Beer suddenly contracted a serious case of Covid and was deathly ill for weeks (so it was widely reported by our trusted media, who would never mislead us). Jews all around the world desperately prayed for him, as all decent people would do.

Then Beer had a miraculous recovery (thanks in large part to the intervention of Dr. Joel Sandberg, who coincidentally is the father of Facebook's COO), triumphantly returned to Israel, and promptly started hawking the Covid shots with great urgency. After all, he knew better than anyone how dangerous Covid can be and wanted to spare his fellow Jews from going through what he went through...and he was in the perfect position to spread this critical message.

3. United Hatzalah of Israel subsequently expunged its volunteer first responders who didn't take the Covid shots. Because having fewer volunteers would save more lives, of course.

4. Hatzalah, which always has its hand out for multi-million dollar fundraisers, started running expensive full-page ads in the Jewish media pushing the Covid shots. Where did they get the money for this? Who was behind this relentless, super-expensive media blitz? We were never told, and were not supposed to ask. How dare anyone question Hatzalah? Hatzalah cannot be questioned, ever. They save lives, so shut up.

But what can I do? Even though Hatzalah saves lives, I can't help myself. I have to ask questions. Since when does an organization that has always existed for exactly one, clearly-defined purpose — to respond to emergency calls in record time and provide life-saving first-aid — push a pharmaceutical product of any kind?

It makes no difference whether there is a “pandemic” or not, whether the pharmaceutical product is “safe and effective” or quite the opposite. It is totally inappropriate for Hatzalah to be pushing shots of any kind, let alone spending huge sums of money (which they received from whom exactly?) to advertise these shots.

In one such ad they had a graphic of a sea splitting and equated that with the Covid shots. When did Hatzalah become a front organization to leverage its reputation and push cultural propaganda on the Jewish people? When did its righteous volunteers who drop everything at any hour to rush out and save lives become tools of a corrupt leadership who exploit their heroism to push the World Economic Forum's agenda on the Jewish people?

Who is really running Hatzalah and what is their real agenda beyond the heroic stories of saving individual lives?

What role did Hatzalah have to play in what happened at Meron?

At risk of “losing my credibility”, I must also ask the following question. Was Eli Beer's much-publicized, terrifying, miraculous recovery from Covid a hoax? A negative answer to this question does not nullify any of the above concerns, but, in light of all we have learned, the question needs to be asked.

And in light of all we have learned, with Hatzalah continuing to obsessively push the shots, we must ask one final question.

Is Hatzalah currently endangering more lives than it is saving?

* * *

This testimony was also given to me personally by Levi Kay regarding Hatzolah in Melbourne:

Their latest vax drive was on Thursday 18 August (they appear to host a vaccine drive every 3 months). I only found out about this drive the day before when I saw a leaflet at a kosher cafe that was advertising the drive. I subsequently drove to the local Hatzolah HQ, rang the buzzer and they let me in. A lady greeted me and I requested to speak to the General Manager (Leon Landau). He subsequently came out and greeted me.

I asked him why Hatzolah was hosting a vaccine drive a few days after the Chief Health officer of the state (Brett Sutton) admitted that the vaccine was ineffective and linked it to the rising covid case numbers (tens of thousands of daily cases). His response "What are you asking?"

I then repeated my question...and added "Why are you vaccinating children as young as 5-years-old.?"

He responded by saying "We are working with Monash health to vaccinate the population." "Why?"

"Because we want to get everyone vaccinated."

I then pointed out that the vaccine causes injuries and death. He then claimed that I was trespassing (which is garbage because they buzzed me in) and called the police. That is when I proceeded to leave.

* * *

So there you have it, folks, Hatzolah stonewalling questions from concerned citizens and calling the Gestapo on them.

But wait, there's more. There is going to be a major exposé on the Boro Park Jewish Community Council (BPJCC), who signed a deal with the devil to push Covid propaganda on the Orthodox Jewish community. I'm talking about contracts, expense reports, meeting notes, and serious blood money.

The BPJCC enlisted and collaborated with a huge number of organizations, companies, and influential people in the Orthodox community to take part in this campaign. The full list of collaborators and further details will be released in the coming days. It's a long list.

Not surprisingly, the Orthodox-looking moles at JOWMA were heavily involved...and so was Hatzolah.

The following are direct quotes from the Boro Park Jewish Community Council Partner Engagement Plan, which you were not supposed to know about. One page of the original document is available here.

* * *

Also on January 26, later in the day, a meeting was held with Hatzolah emergency ambulance service. Hatzolah has been a leader in promoting the COVID-19 vaccine. Hatzolah encouraged the BPJCC to consider a link between Boro Park male adults underserved by Primary Care Providers and low vaccination rates. Hatzolah also made several suggestions for the community outreach and education campaign.


A. Describe the process and methods used to conduct the assessment, including organizational

personnel involved, internal and external stakeholder groups convened. Describe how the community was involved in the development of the report.

BPJCC CDG project staff were involved in the study design, ongoing review, and final approval. The

community health needs study is based on gathering relevant quantitative government-generated data and qualitative information (listening sessions, stakeholder meetings). The overriding goal was to produce a report that will be used for the implementation of the CDG project. BPJCC and Boro Park Y staff were involved in organizing listening sessions. A series of zoom-based listening sessions were organized during January. At least 20 people participated in the listening sessions. A list of questions asked during the listening sessions is included in the appendix.

Principals at the largest yeshiva schools in the Boro Park area were informally polled about COVID-19 instruction and whether they would be interested in a public health curriculum for grades 5, 6, and 7. There were two stakeholder meetings held at the BPJCC or one meeting on zoom. The meetings were with the Jewish Orthodox Women’s Medical Association (JOWMA), the leadership of the Gruss Foundation/Centers for Initiatives in Jewish Education, and the leadership of Hatzolah (a volunteer emergency ambulance service).


Stakeholder organization, group, or individual


Potential role in the activity


Hatzolah is a volunteer emergency medical service organization. Hatzolah can give us data on what are the most common occurrences where their services are required, as well as if, and how they can be avoided in the future.


Engagement strategy

Information on how to prevent having to call Hatzolah, as well as basic first aid information

resources provided by Hatzolah, will be distributed to the community by outreach events and through Hatzolah’s own organization.


Follow-up strategy

Meetings will be held to determine if the amount of information is sufficient to avoid unnecessary

accidents, injuries, and illnesses; and whether it would be beneficial to develop more material regarding

this topic, will also be discussed.


Priority Population Targeted

All populations targeted


Priority[High, Medium, Low]


* * *

Ladies and gentlemen, I should not have to explain the significance of this information. You have been sold out. Your trust in institutions, rabbis, and community leaders has been abused and betrayed. The rot runs very deep.

Hatzalah – with its World Economic Forum / Amalek ties – is right in the thick of it.



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