`115 But what if I lose my job?
Chananya Weissman
July 29, 2021

Many people are concerned about losing their job if they resist getting injected with something they have every reason to believe will harm their health. I have experienced unemployment and difficult times, so I am sensitive to these concerns. We can speak at length about bitachon, and how money comes from Hashem – and we should.

But in this particular case, where the “price” of keeping one's job is taking this injection, there is a direct response from the most basic Jewish prayer: Shema.

דברים ו:ה

ואהבת את ה' אלוהיך בכל לבבך ובכל נפשך ובכל מאודך

And you shall love Hashem your God with all your heart, and all your soul, and all your possessions. (Devarim 6:5)


בכל ממונך. יש לך אדם שממונו חביב עליו מגופו, לכך נאמר ובכל מאודך

There can be a person whose money is more precious to him than his body. Therefore it says “with all your possessions”. (Rashi)

אור החיים יא: יג

בכל לבבכם ובכל נפשכם. ולא אמר בכל מאודכם כסדר שאמר בפרשת שמע, לפי שפרשת שמע נאמרה בלשון יחיד ויכול להיות שימצא יחיד שיהיה לו ממונו חביב עליו מנפשו, אבל כללות הציבור שעמהם מדבר מן הנמנע שיהיה להם ממונם חביב מנפשם כי כל אשר לאיש יתן בעד נפשו, ולזה כשאמר בכל נפשכם מכל שכן בכל מאודכם

With all your hearts and all your souls.” It didn't say with all your money [in the plural form] as it did in the section of Shema, because the section of Shema is said in single form, and it can be that an individual will be found whose money is more precious to him than his life, but [when it comes to] the general public with whom he is speaking, it is unrealistic that their money would be more precious to them than their lives, for “a man would give everything he has for the sake of his life”. Therefore when it says [here] “with all your souls”, it goes without saying that they would give all their money. (Ohr HaChaim 11:13)

כלי יקר יא:יג

ומה שנאמר בכל לבבכם ובכל נפשכם ולא נאמר ובכל מאדכם לפי מה שפירש רש"י שלכך נאמר בכל מאדך לפי שיש לך אדם שממונו חביב עליו מגופו, מדקאמר יש לך אדם שמע מינה שדבר זה בלתי מצוי כי אם באדם אחד או מתי מספר שבטלה דעתם אצל כל אדם אבל לא בציבור כי לא שכיח הדבר שרבים יסכימו על דעה נפסדה זו

As for what it says “with all your hearts and all your souls” and it doesn't say “with all your money” [in the plural form], according to what Rashi explained, that [in the section of Shema] it says “with all your money”, because there can be a person whose money is more precious to him than his body – from what [Rashi] said “there can be a person”, we learn from here that this will not be found except with one person or a small number of people whose mentality is null compared to all people, for it is entirely abnormal that the masses will consent to this ludicrous idea. (Kli Yakar 11:13)

These sources cannot be more clear. One who jeopardizes his life for the sake of a job has been overtaken by madness. The fact that this “ludicrous idea” has been accepted by the masses only underscores what abnormal times we are living in.

Yes, it's challenging. It's supposed to be. But the correct answer is right there before us. Those who draw guidance from the Torah and our most basic prayer will find the fortitude to break out of the madness and take refuge in God.

Choose life over money and trust in God for both.